In meinem vorherigen Artikel zu OWASP Zap, ging es um die allgemeinen Informationen zu diesem Security Testing Tool. Ich habe es schon mehrfach in diversen Projekten eingesetzt und auch entsprechend in diversen CI Lösungen eingesetzt.

Da ich mir im Bereich Python + Selenium einiges angeeignet habe in den letzten Jahren, war auch mein erstes Ziel entsprechend OWASP Zap auch über eine Python zu Jenkins Pipeline zu arbeiten.

Um Owasp unter Python einzusetzen muss man das entsprechende Packet natürlich erstmal installieren. Ich gehe natürlich davon aus, dass ihr vorher schon Python Installiert habt. Wenn nicht, hier nochmal ein Tutorial was euch weiterhilft:

pip install python-owasp-zap-v2.4

OWASP Zap bietet über die Community auch direkte Beispiele an für Baseline Scanning u.a.

Anbei ein Beispiel für eine Python basierende API Spider:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# A basic ZAP Python API example which spiders and scans a target URL

import time
from pprint import pprint
from zapv2 import ZAPv2
target = ''
apikey = 'changeme' # Change to match the API key set in ZAP, or use None if the API key is disabled
# By default ZAP API client will connect to port 8080
zap = ZAPv2(apikey=apikey)
# Use the line below if ZAP is not listening on port 8080, for example, if listening on port 8090
# zap = ZAPv2(apikey=apikey, proxies={'http': '', 'https': ''})

# Proxy a request to the target so that ZAP has something to deal with
print('Accessing target {}'.format(target))
# Give the sites tree a chance to get updated

print('Spidering target {}'.format(target))
scanid = zap.spider.scan(target)
# Give the Spider a chance to start
while (int(zap.spider.status(scanid)) < 100):
    # Loop until the spider has finished
    print('Spider progress %: {}'.format(zap.spider.status(scanid)))

print ('Spider completed')

while (int(zap.pscan.records_to_scan) > 0):
      print ('Records to passive scan : {}'.format(zap.pscan.records_to_scan))

print ('Passive Scan completed')

print ('Active Scanning target {}'.format(target))
scanid = zap.ascan.scan(target)
while (int(zap.ascan.status(scanid)) < 100):
    # Loop until the scanner has finished
    print ('Scan progress %: {}'.format(zap.ascan.status(scanid)))

print ('Active Scan completed')

# Report the results

print ('Hosts: {}'.format(', '.join(zap.core.hosts)))
print ('Alerts: ')
pprint (zap.core.alerts())


Beispiel für einen passiven Angriff auf eine App

#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
from pprint import pprint
from zapv2 import ZAPv2

apiKey = 'changeme'
target = ''
zap = ZAPv2(apikey=apiKey, proxies={'http': '', 'https': ''})

# TODO : explore the app (Spider, etc) before using the Passive Scan API, Refer the explore section for details
while int(zap.pscan.records_to_scan) > 0:
    # Loop until the passive scan has finished
    print('Records to passive scan : ' + zap.pscan.records_to_scan)

print('Passive Scan completed')

# Print Passive scan results/alerts
print('Hosts: {}'.format(', '.join(zap.core.hosts)))
print('Alerts: ')


Ein weiteres Beispiel:  Baseline Scanning


# Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP)nd its related class files.
# ZAP is an HTTP/HTTPS proxy for assessing web application security.
# Copyright 2012 ZAP Development Team
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# This is a generic pytest ( script that can be used
# for controlling and integrating ZAP with existing tests.
# The script is configured via the config file (default name: test_zap.config)
# the default file has plenty of comments to explain whats what.
# You can use this script for a standalone security test - it can start ZAP,
# run the spider and scanner against specified URLs, check for any alerts
# raised and finally stop ZAP.
# However its more effective if you start ZAP, then proxy existing functional
# test via ZAP before running the spider and scanner.
# That means you might need to start ZAP in one test, run your functional tests
# and then run the spider and scanner, etc. in another (sequential) test.

import ast
import copy
import os
import platform
import re
import time
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
from zap import ZAP

def element_to_str(alert, element):
    return "'" + element + "':'" + re.escape(alert.get(element)) + "'"

def alert_to_str(alert):
    return "{" + \
        element_to_str(alert, "alert") + "," + \
        element_to_str(alert, "risk") + "," + \
        element_to_str(alert, "reliability") + "," + \
        element_to_str(alert, "url") + "," + \
        element_to_str(alert, "param") + "}"

def match_alert_pattern (alert, pattern, element):
    #print "Alert = " + alert + " Pattern = " + pattern + " Element = " + element
    if (pattern.get(element)):
        return, alert.get(element))
    return True	# No such pattern matches all

def match_alerts (alert, pattern):
    if ( not match_alert_pattern (alert, pattern, "alert")):
        return False
    if ( not match_alert_pattern (alert, pattern, "url")):
        return False
    if ( not match_alert_pattern (alert, pattern, "reliability")):
        return False
    if ( not match_alert_pattern (alert, pattern, "risk")):
        return False
    if ( not match_alert_pattern (alert, pattern, "param")):
        return False
    return True

# Returns a list of the alerts which dont match the 'ignoreAlerts' - a dictionary of regex patterns
def strip_alerts (alerts, ignoreAlerts):
    stripped = []
    for alert in alerts:
        include = True
        for ignore in ignoreAlerts:
            if ( match_alerts(alert, ignore)):
                include = False
        if (include):
    return stripped

def test_zap(zapconfig):
    parser = SafeConfigParser()
    zapUrl = parser.get("Proxy", "url");
    zap = ZAP(proxies={'http': zapUrl, 'https': zapUrl})
    if (parser.getboolean("Actions", "start")):
        # print "platform=" + platform.system()
        if (platform.system() == "Windows"):
            zapScript = "start /b zap.bat"
            zapScript = ""
        zapInstall = parser.get("Proxy", "install");
        if (len(zapInstall) == 0):
            if (platform.system() == "Windows"):
                # Win 7 default path
                zapInstall = "C:\Program Files (x86)\OWASP\Zed Attack Proxy";
                if ( not os.path.exists(zapInstall)):
                    # Win XP default path
                    zapInstall = "C:\Program Files\OWASP\Zed Attack Proxy";
                # No default path for Mac OS or Linux
                print "Installation directory must be set in " + zapconfig
        if (len(parser.get("Proxy", "home")) > 0):
            zapScript = zapScript + " -d " + parser.get("Proxy", "home")

    spiderUrls = parser.get("Actions", "spider");
    if (len(spiderUrls) > 0):
        for spiderUrl in spiderUrls.split(','):
            # Give the sites tree a chance to get updated

            print 'Spidering %s' % spiderUrl
            # Give the Spider a chance to start
            while (int(zap.spider_status[0]) < 100):
                #print 'Spider progress %: ' + zap.spider_status[0]
            print 'Finished spidering %s' % spiderUrl
        print 'Spider completed'
        # Give the passive scanner a chance to finish
    scanUrls = parser.get("Actions", "scan");
    if (len(scanUrls) > 0):
        for scanUrl in scanUrls.split(','):
            print 'Scanning %s' % scanUrl
            while (int(zap.scan_status[0]) < 100):
                #print 'Scan progress %: ' + zap.scan_status[0]
            print 'Finished scanning %s' % scanUrl
        print 'Scanner completed'
    saveSession = parser.get("Actions", "savesession");
    if (len(saveSession) > 0):
        time.sleep(5)	# Will this help??

    #zapAlerts = zap.alerts	# Save for later, in case ZAP is stopped..
    zapAlerts = copy.deepcopy(zap.alerts)	# Save for later, in case ZAP is stopped..
    if (parser.getboolean("Actions", "stop")):
        # TODO: this is causing problems right now :(

    requireAlertsStr = parser.get("Alerts", "require")
    if (len(requireAlertsStr) > 0):
        for requireAlertStr in requireAlertsStr.split("\n"):
            requireAlert = ast.literal_eval(requireAlertStr)
            # Check at least one match found in the alerts
            found = False
            for alert in zapAlerts:
                if ( match_alerts(alert, requireAlert)):
                    found = True
            if (not found):
                # No match, fail the test
                print "Required alert not present: " + requireAlertStr
                assert 0
    ignoreAlertsStr = parser.get("Alerts", "ignore")
    ignoreAlerts = []
    if (len(ignoreAlertsStr) > 0):
        for ignoreAlertStr in ignoreAlertsStr.split("\n"):
    strippedAlerts = strip_alerts(zapAlerts, ignoreAlerts)

    saveAlerts = parser.get("Alerts", "savealerts")
    if (len(saveAlerts) > 0):
        alertsFile = open(saveAlerts, 'w')
        for alert in strippedAlerts:

    assert len(strippedAlerts) == 0